Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Heroes... Part 2

There is this guy called Isaac with the ability to take a glimpse into the future, he then put it in his drawing as a snap shot. The rest of the world, including you and me, will come to want to know how the story leads to the 'outcome' in the picture.

This is just a simple flow of logic, if there is someone tell you, "You are goin to die.", you will simply followed up by "how?", then "what can I do to prevent it from happenin?", that's what the characters do in the story at least.

As audience, we will just sit back and anticipate some tragic to happen in the show that leads to the death, and a normal notion is "okay, he is goin to die, done for the story, move on"... and to the audience surprise, the story did not develop exactly the way we'd expected. Yes, the tragic is inevitable, the victim is remained the victim, but not the 'death' part... the briliant author manage to come out with a way to revive the death, in a quite logical way.

From here I realise, in life, we are often deceived by the snap shot displayed in front of us, the 'picture' did not actually tell us "that's the outcome", but we would happily presume that is the 'outcome', and we stopped there. Only until later, we were then 'surprised' by the alternative outcome, and we wonder why we did not figure that is possible too back then.

We are educated to develop an open mind... thus, we probably want to constantly remind ourselves "There is always room for alternative, as long as we don't shut the door on ourselves and give up the possibility, we might just find it standing there, staring back at us."


At January 3, 2008 at 6:13 AM , Blogger kspay said...

Yo. I dono Heroes. I only know there is a guy name Hero in Gundam Wing =P


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